Pre-Departure Vlog





Hi! My name is Tinia Montford and I am going to be studying in Athens, Greece for the 2019 spring semester.

Tinia Montford

<i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Xaipete <i> University</i>: University of San Francisco <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2020 <i>Destination</i>: Athens, Greece <i>Program Provider</i>: ACG <i>Major / Minor</i>: English & Design <i>Language of Study</i>: Greek <i>Demographic background</i>: First-generation, African-American <i>Future career aspirations</i>: Editor in publishing, Author, Blogger <i>Top 3 goals for study abroad</i>: To learn to be man or woman for others; To immerse in the culture; To develop as a person.