My first week of school


My first week of school was fun, enthralling, and mind-opening.  I spent many months, weeks, days, and hours preparing for this exact week, and now it has come.

We had a short orientation class that took place on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (Oct. 15th, 16, & 18th).  We learned in depth about the history of Tรผbingen, its university, and how German colleges function.  The citizens of Tรผbingen call it a โ€œUniversitรคtsstadt.โ€  This is because the campus of the university isnโ€™t your normal Californian or American college campus, itโ€™s the entire town itself.  There are buildings spread around the entire area of Tรผbingen.  For example, my physics lecture is located at the top of the Waldhรคuser-Ost hill, which takes about 25 minutes from my apartment by bus.  On the other hand, my Landeskunde (German civilization) course is in the heart of Tรผbingen, a mere 12 minutes from my apartment by bus.

On October 8th, I had the privilege of traveling to Ulm.  This town is beautiful, rich in history, and hosts the worldโ€™s largest Mรผnster (a church shared by both monks and citizens).  Ulm is where I will be studying in my second semester.   I visited Hochschule Ulm, where they offer degrees in applied sciences.  The word โ€œHochschuleโ€ means โ€œUniversity of Applied Sciences.โ€  Thereโ€™s another interesting thing about German universities, they donโ€™t have large campuses like the UCs in California, but often smaller ones that cater to specific degrees or specialties.

In Germany there are different Hochschulen for different majors which include: music, engineering & computer science, media arts, and architecture.  Many companies will help fund the Hochschulen if they can recruit that schoolโ€™s graduates and promote their business.

I also recently signed up my older son, Ezra, for his kindergarten.  Life has been terribly busy, one thing after another, but itโ€™s all coming together!  Ezra is going to Kinderhaus ร–sterberg which rests at the top of the ร–sterberg hill overlooking Tรผbingen.  Itโ€™s truly beautiful here and again, we are so grateful.

I am improving every day on my German and fully adapting to German culture and lifestyle.  I am constantly making mistakes, progress, and an ass of myself!  Itโ€™s so important to get out of your comfort zone from time to time; Iโ€™d say everything is right on track.

Me at Hochschule Ulm, my engineering school in the Spring!

Engineering student’s dream come true.

Ezra at Kinderhaus ร–sterberg.

Ulmer Mรผnster behind me. Tallest Munster in the world!

The walk from Ezra’s kindergarten to my German Literature II class.

Ezra in front of Kinderhaus ร–sterberg.

Hochschule Ulm mechanical engineering laboratory!

Anthony McKinney

<i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Hallo <i> University</i>: California State University, Chico <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2020 <i>Destination</i>: Tubingen, Germany <i>Program Provider</i>: University Sponsored <i>Major / Minor</i>: Mechatronic Engineering and German / Computer Engineering <i>Language of Study</i>: German <i>Demographic background</i>: First-generation, Hispanic <i>Future career aspirations</i>: Licensed Professional Engineer in manufacturing, defense and aerospace industries. <i>Top 3 goals for study abroad</i>: To obtain fluency in German; To acquire engineering skills that will enhance employment opportunities; To have fun.