Overcoming the First Week





Ahh, the first week is officially over! After twenty-eight hours of flying, two consecutive days of nonstop paperwork, and the apparent jetlag (that I just can’t seem to get over) now the fun finally begins!

Just to brief you on my first week in Singapore in one word…. DIFFERENT. Back in South Carolina, there’s no need for public transits and subways but in Singapore it is a definite must! I have gotten lost numerous of times on the subway and bus but I have learned to simply ask for directions. At first, I was skeptical but some of the people here are extremely nice and helpful; so they didn’t mind guiding me.

The annoying stares that you get from the locals is a bit much. Since you’re a foreigner in their country I assume they’re either confused or fascinated at the sight of you. That is going to take some time getting used to. Moving along!

During this first week, I was bombarded with tons of paperwork. It was so stressful, thankfully, I had all my necessary documents and did not lack anything. As a word of advice, I suggest that you print out EVERY potential thing you are emailed from your study abroad program both in the states and abroad because you never know what you are going to need. I kept all my paperwork in one folder as a means of organization so I don’t lose anything. Last but certainly not least…. the weather. It is incredibly hot and humid everyday in Singapore. I am literally drenched in sweat for the majority of the day. The rainstorms here are also horrendous. The thunder is terrifying and when it rain, it pours! I know that sounded clichรฉ but it’s true.

I have a few things I need to get acclimated to e.i. transportation, staring, and the weather but then I should be perfectly fine.

I had the pleasure of touring the school where I will (I added a photo below!) It is enormous! I love it here though! I also got to meet my lab mentor and my lab supervisor. They are both simply amazing! Encouraging and motivating are just a couple of many attributes that I could use to describe them! I look forward to working with them in lab and starting my research project! Until next time!


The school where I will conduct my research
The school within NTU where my research will take place


Group photo while out sightseeing
Group photo while out sightseeing
Group photo at the Garden of the Bay
Group photo at the Garden of the Bay
Me enjoying the Garden of the Bay waterfall!
Me enjoying the Garden of the Bay waterfall!
Alexus Cunningham

*Hiliary Echo Douglas Memorial Scholarship <i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Hello <i>University</i>: Benedict College <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2017 <i>Destination</i>: Singapore <i>Program Provider</i>: Clemson University <i>Subject Matter, Major / minor</i>: Biology <i>Language of study, if any</i>: Acholi <i>Housing</i>: Dorm <i>Demographic background</i>: First-generation, African American female <i>Future career aspirations</i>: Burn Unit Trauma Doctor