Taiwan – Animals!





When I lived in China several years ago, one of the most inexcusable aspects of the culture was the treatment of and attitude towards animals: pets, wild animals, zoo animals, etc. I am extremely tolerant of most opinions and outlooks towards life, but one inclusive of abusive notions towards animals is completely untenable. I was shocked by some of the behavior I viewed in China in regard to animals. Without delving into too many details, I’ll just say that Taiwan is the polar opposite.

In Taiwan (Taipei, at least) there is almost a reverence for our peers in the animal kingdom. When I first arrived in Taipei, I saw covered strollers EVERYWHERE (For those who don’t know, a stroller is a like a shopping cart, but used to transport a child). Not only where there many strollers, but they were a strange shape – a shape not really conducive to the anatomy of a human child. Upon further inspection, I realized that humans were not being transported in these strollers, but dogs! People LOVE their animals here.

In southern Chinese cities, there was (at least, when I was there) a not-insignificant number of street dogs. Although extremely intelligent, world-weary, and, in general, not a threat to humans, these dogs were viewed as a bit of a menace.

In Taiwan, there are street dogs AND cats. In addition, not only are they not considered a menace, but they are often, given a great deal of care by the people living around them.
This cat lives in my neighborhood. He belongs to no one and everyone. On a typical day, he can be found begging for food from one of the local restaurants (which he is, invariably, given), or sleeping on one of his favorite cars. Several weeks ago, this poor kitty developed an infection on his back (likely from a brush with another local cat). Within several days, ointment had been applied, and he was back to 100%.


The owner of this dog died over two years ago. Instead of allowing this poor, domesticated guy to starve to death, the surrounding neighbors decided to, collectively, care for this pup. The dog, technically, is a street dog. However, one would never be able to determine this from how well-fed he appears.


For the most part, most pet-animals are extremely well-behaved and friendly. Many diners even have open policies when it comes to people being allowed to eat with their pets (health code isn’t nearly as stringent).


After speaking with many friends, I realize that this affection for animals correlates closely to the level of development in Taiwan – as if there is some kind of pet/animal welfare index from which one can judge the level of advancement of a society. Many of my Taiwanese friends are in their late-twenties to early thirties, unmarried and child-less. It appears that a society with less children bodes well for the treatment of animals.

Charles Bollig

Da jia hao! Wo shi Charles, laizi Denver, Colorado. Hello, everybody! My name is Charles. Iโ€™m from Denver, Colorado. Currently, Iโ€™m studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Colorado, Denver. At any given time, you will likely find me in one of two places: the engineering computer lab on the UCD campus, โ€œzoned inโ€ to some complicated engineering project, or at my kickboxing gym. Living outside of a โ€œcomfort zoneโ€ opens the mind and heart, allowing personal development and growth within an individual. The opportunity to study abroad is priceless, beyond measure. To me, this is particularly true. Believe it or not, I lived in China for a short period of time. While there, I learned the language and became enthralled with the culture, people, and pace of life. I came back to the U.S. to study, but I always knew that I would make my way back to that area of the world, one day. Well, that day is nigh! I plan to study abroad in Taipei, Taiwan at National Taiwan University during the Spring and Fall of 2016. While in Taiwan, I will be attending classes following my regular engineering curriculum, but with a twist: The majority of my classes will be taught in Mandarin! Fun stuff, right!? Iโ€™m excitedly anticipating, once again, being immersed in Chinese culture (The food! Oh, man!). For me, being able to study in Mandarin will be an invaluable experience towards the direction I want to dedicate my life. For now, this planet is the only one the human race can exist upon. For humanity to survive into the future, the perceived boundaries that separate groups of people must erode. Humans must come together despite language barriers and other minor 'gaps' that hinder mutual understanding. I see my future role in helping to 'bridge those gaps.'