Cat College






The mascot of Korea University is a tiger. If you walk around the university, you can see many tiny tigers everywhere. These tiny tigers do not belong to any particular people. They live independently at the university. These feral cats do not appear to be malnourished or show signs of parasites. The cats look clean and healthy. In my opinion, I enjoy seeing them around. They are fun to look at. Some are really colorful. I am not the only one that likes them. Some of the other students built a small house for the cats. Students like to name the cats and sometimes the students leave food offerings for the cats.

Exams are less than two weeks away. It is time for me to stop looking at the cats and instead get to work on studying.IMG_5188 IMG_5189 IMG_5191

Brandon Morrissette

<i>*BASAA Scholarship</i> Anyong friends! I am Brandon Morrissette. I study Finance at Plymouth State University. In the past before college, I worked in the hospitality industry. I was born and raised in a small rural town in the far northern part of New Hampshire. I will study two semesters at Korea University in Seoul. My goal from this experience is to be able to read, write, and speak Korean language at a fourth grade level. I want to travel to all places in Asia. This is because at work I met many friendly, interesting people from that continent. I chose Korea in particular as the result of gentle persuasion from my Korean friends. My favorite academic subject is economics. When I am not studying for my classes, I enjoy learning about Buddha and Confucius. I intend on doing many temple visits. In Korea, I look forward to being reunited with a co-worker who is really dear to me and that I have not seen for 5 years. In addition to seeing old friends, I look forward to meeting many new ones. I also look forward to eating delicious food in Korea. It is possible that I love food because I did not have the best food when I was a growing up. After study abroad and graduation, my goal is to financially support my whole family.