Linda G. Steckley

Senior Major Gifts Officer The Chautauqua Foundation


Linda G. Steckley serves The Chautauqua Institution, a community dedicated to the arts, education, religion and recreation in southwestern New York, as Senior Major Gifts Officer. This follows a career in fund raising for higher education and public policy research. From 2003 until January 2010, Steckley worked with The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, as Vice President for Development and Executive Education for more than six years. She led the funding effort during a period of unprecedented growth in Brookings research programs.

Prior to joining Brookings, Steckley held chief fund raising positions at Duke University School of Law, New York University School of Law, and the University of Miami.

Until recently, Steckley served as an officer of the board of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and currently serves as a director of the University of Miami Alumni Association, the Ben Becker Foundation, and the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. She is a founding member of the Board for the Fund for Education Abroad.

Steckley speaks frequently to professional fundraising organizations and has contributed to CASE Currents and the books, Building Bridges: Fund Raising for Deans, Faculty, and Development Officers and New Strategies for Educational Fund Raising, published by the American Council on Education.