One Last Weekend Getaway




With my return to the United States coming up very quickly, I decided to spend one last weekend exploring a beach resort that I hadn’t visited yet. After asking around, I decided to visit Cape Three Points and stay at the resort Escape Three Points. This area is unique in that it is the closest land point to what could be considered the “middle” of the world, 0 degrees latitude, longitude, and altitude. 

After several hours in a Tro-Tro and transferring to 2 more at subsequent stations, we arrived at our destination aftera total of 7 hours travel time. I was not dissapointed at all. The beach is by far the cleanest and nicest that I have seen in Ghana, and the hotel was a great eco-lodge. It was all made out of recyclable materials and completely solar-powered with composting toilets. It was a great change of pace from Accra and any other beach resort I have visited here. With me leaving Ghana next tuesday it was a great way for me to spend what will be my last weekend trip of many.