King of Cute






Last night I was struck with a wave of inspiration and decided to write a short story at three am. After editing, and a sudden strike of courage, I may post it here.  Oh, Japan how you make me do crazy thing at odd times. But it did lead to me studying more Japanese…there is progress and perchance a hint of method to this madness.

It is Valentine’s day in Japan. Scary. Anyone who lives in America (or has visited during the silly season) knows that about a good month in advance stores start selling holiday themed items starting with Halloween and running through New Years. It’s especially  bad around Christmas time. Well in Japan, there isn’t a really big hoop-la over Christmas. Instead they have Valentine’s day explosions. Chocolate is everywhere and all you see are adorable things to buy. And Japan is the King of Cute so you just have to buy it. There was only one solution when faced with the anxiety of having to buy chocolates for friends, and making sure that is wasn’t ‘giri’ (obligation) chocolate instead of ‘tomo'(friend) or worse ‘honmei’ (literately home-made but for romantic interests)… hiding shamelessly. I went out the day before and got some oranges that I gave to Kim (no wrong message that way) and then I ignored everyone else. Although Nana did give me some chocolates later. So I’ll have to get her something for white day.