Kelly Pratt Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Kelly Pratt


University of Mary Washington

Studying In:

France (Summer) | *AIFS Abroad Access Partner Scholarship

More About This Scholar

Pronouns: They/them
Home Institution: University of Mary Washington
Expected Graduation: 2024
Major / Minor: Historic Preservation / Urban Studies
Study Abroad Location: Paris, France
“Hello” in your host country’s language: Bonjour
Program Provider: AIFS Abroad
Identity: African American/Black, White, Multiracial, First-Generation College Student, Community College Student, Transfer Student, Returning/Adult Learner, Parent, LGBTQ+
Future Career Goals: In the future, I hope to have a successful career in the historic preservation field. My most immediate career goal is to work in cemetery preservation. I’m passionate about assisting BIPOC communities on the path to social justice and equity through the documenting and preservation of our ancestors’ legacies. Long term, I hope to study best practices for cemetery management in various countries with an aim to reimagine how Americans treat our cemeteries. I want to be a subject matter expert in the field of cemetery preservation.
Top 3 Goals for your time abroad: My top goal is to improve upon my spoken French ability. My second goal is to use my current French ability to understand and interpret historic signage at cemeteries and burial grounds throughout Paris and the surrounding cities. My third goal is to formulate a list of best practices in Parisian cemetery care and preservation which could be applicable to American cemetery practices. This list would be a result of the information I learn through my travels in Parisian cemeteries and through the reading of historical markers.


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