Dora Jasminy Tobar Batres Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Dora Jasminy Tobar Batres


San Francisco State University

Studying In:

Spain (Academic Year)

More About This Scholar

“Hello” in your host country’s language: Hola!
Home Institution (your U.S. University/College): San Francisco State University
Expected graduation year: 2024
Destination city & country: Madrid, Spain
Program provider: CSU
Major/minor: Criminal Justice & Spanish
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx
Future career aspirations: My future career goals are to graduate from SFSU with honors and go to the police academy to gain experience before heading to Law school. I want to become a lawyer but also have experience in the investigation area. I also want to write a book and have my own security company. But more than anything I want to be able to help my family. And support my community with skills gain from different experiences.
Top 3 goals for your time abroad: Learn new skills
improve my writing and speaking skills
Learn more about the benefits of speaking professional Spanish.


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