Leadership When Things Go Wrong






Leadership while traveling is extremely important, especially when making mutual plans to travel. Pro tip: ALWAYS assign someone to get all the details together and make an itinerary. While in Copenhagen I planned two trips: one to Berlin and one to Italy.

I didnโ€™t end up going to Berlin. Let me tell you why.

Planning a mutual trip seemed easy enough. I assumed that someone had read the details of the ticket and didnโ€™t really question any of it – nor did I take the initiative to make an itinerary like I normally would.

Boy was that a mistake.

Day of the trip we are under the impression that the bus leaves at 2:30pm and we are waiting for the bus since 12:30pm. The time hits around 2:15pm and I realize something is wrong. She checks the status for the bus and it says that itโ€™s canceled, however she didnโ€™t receive any email or notification of a canceled trip. I send the details to my host family and ask for help especially since nothing is in English. To our surprise the bus had left at 6am and my friend had read the depature time as the arrival time and missed the bus. Even worse, because it was labeled as a no-show we werenโ€™t eligible for a refund for any part of the trip. We had paid for round trip tickets and a three day hotel stay and lost it all

In an event like this itโ€™s not worth getting upset. Instead, itโ€™s worth seeing what you can learn from. I decided to go home and relook at all of the italy details and form an itinerary and make sure all of the details were double checked and put together. This ultimately leads to a smoother and more organized trip. I think leadership helps especially when dealing with situations that go wrong. Copenhagen as a city definitely values leadership or someone who is able to take initiative. Especially in academics or the workforce itโ€™s common to have someone step up and take initiative of a situation.

To cheer myself up I ended up going to Reffen, the copenhagen street food market, and tried Indian food for the first time. I had butter chicken that was a burst of flavor. It was extremely comforting to taste and warmed up the bad day.